Well, no one's going to confuse this with a coffee shop muffin. It definitely screams "Healthy!" That said, it comes together quickly, and it boasts a mere 1/4 cup agave nectar (or maple syrup) as its sugar quotient.
As usual, I've used half all purpose flour and half whole wheat pastry flour, as I've had great luck with this ratio in the past. I also happened to have red quinoa on hand, which I&T say looks "particularly charming here." See for yourself. :-)
The only quibble I have with this recipe is that it says to pour the batter into the muffin cups. There is nothing pourable about this batter. It is so thick, it can only be spooned.
And in the typo department, the directions refer to adding baking soda, which is not in the ingredient list. Hmmm... missing ingredient or typo in the directions? I think I may have found an official (could this be the Terry?) response to the question here, which is: just use baking powder.

SFO: 10
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