Wheat-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Oops, no picture of these! I was just feeling like I needed to make some cookies today, and my friend Sue, who's wheat-free, is coming over tomorrow, so I thought it would be nice to be able to offer her one or five.
I didn't have oat flour on hand, so I put some rolled oats in my Magic Bullet, and voilà! It's kind of amazing that ground oats will substitute for flour in a cookie recipe. That said, the consistency of these cookies is unique, sort of like a lace cookie and veering toward tuile. Not a complaint, just an observation.
The instructions say to bake these for 10-12 minutes. My first batch looked so underdone at 10 that I went to 12, but after letting them cool and tasting one, I wondered if maybe I should have taken them out earlier. The second batch only went for 10m, even though they looked not quite ready. Both batches were completely edible, but in the end, I think I preferred the 12m batch. These benefit from a bit of crunch, vs. more chew. Maybe 11m is the answer.
After rereading the recipe, I wonder if maybe I made these too small. I&T describe them as dense and crumbly. Mine were thin and either crispy (12m) or chewy (10m). Also, they say the recipe yields 18 cookies and I had more like 30. That should have been a tip off....
SFO: 10
(no one passes up a cookie)
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