If I didn't already have a nickname for Alysha ("Scary"), I would dub her "Rosey" because she does love a rose-flavored thing. When I taste roses, it brings me right back to my grandmother's bathroom, not something I care to think about when I'm eating. But when she tastes roses, she swoons. So whenever I'm cooking up a rosey something, I want her here.
These ingredients are easily combined. The fun part for me was rolling the dough into balls and then pressing them into the chopped pistachios. It's a very effective method of covering the tops of cookies with chopped nuts! (So basic, but I'd never done it before.)

Big mistake. They were significantly underdone. In the lead-in to the recipe, these cookies are described as "light and airy, chewy and crispy all at once." No, no, sort of, and no. In the future, I'll go by my friend Barbara's baked goods doneness radar: Can you smell them from outside the oven? Then they're done.

I should add that Alysha's a fan of underdone baked goods (see Rosewater Pound Cake episode), so these totally worked for her. And I'll bet if I had left them in another couple of minutes, I'd have been a fan, too.
SFO: 10
(even with my quibbles, there's nothing here to prevent an omnivore from maximum enjoyment)
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