Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 43 - Seitanic Red and White Bean Jambalaya

Seitanic Red and White Bean Jambalaya

This recipe was a definite home run! Even with my colossal screw up....

The journey of this recipe involves preparing different ingredients in stages in the same pot. First, brown the seitan, then remove and put aside. Then, cook the vegetables, then add tomato paste, then deglaze, then add rice, then add everything including the browned seitan, bring to a simmer and stick it in the oven. Easy enough, right?

Well, the step I missed completely was the part where you remove the seitan from the pot. So the seitan was there during the vegetable sauteing, the deglazing, and the rice browning. Oh dear. I realized it about halfway through, but there was nothing I could do but press on. I thought it might ruin everything, but my end result was pretty great. Granted, the seitan was stirred and handled constantly, so there weren’t a lot of big chunks, but there were some. And the texture of the jambalaya was quite dry in the end. I wonder if I would have ended up with something wetter/stewier, if I had followed the instructions properly.

And yet, it was delicious. Great flavors, great mix of proteins, really hearty, and incidentally, waaaaaay more than 6 servings. 10, at least! Marcy had no idea there was a mess-up in the cooking process.

For the record, I did incorporate a work-around/substitution for green peppers, which I should mention in case there are other green pepper haters out there. I used jalapeños. For some reason, they don’t bother me the way bell peppers do, and if you remove the seeds and ribs, they’re not spicy, just pepper-tasting. I usually substitute two or three jalapeños per bell pepper. So much better….

SFO: 9

(This tastes great and is amazingly hearty and filling. I just had to take a point off for the fact that this dish dares to evoke the word “jambalaya” and fails to deliver the expected chicken and/or sausage.)

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